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About us

  合肥恒信汽车发动机部件制造有限公司是一家专业设计、开发、制造发动机塑料进气歧管和凸轮轴罩盖的民营股份制企业。早在2005年公司便开始从事塑料歧管的研发工作,根据研发的进度于2007年正式成立。公司位于安徽合肥包河工业园区,占地80亩。现有6000㎡的办公、设计、实验综合大楼和总面积6000㎡的两个生产车间,已建成投产的有三条年产25万套塑料歧管、罩盖的生产线。第四、五、六条塑料歧管、罩盖生产线正在建设之中。Developing plastic air intake manifold and camshaft cover early from 2005,Established in 2007,Total acreage: 80 mou,Office building for research, design, and testing: 6000 m2,Two manufacturing shop: 6000 m2,Located in Hefei Baohe Industry Zone in Anhui province,HeFei Hengxin Automotive Engine Component Manufacturing co.,Ltd. is a private joint-stock enterprise specialized in designing, developing and manufacturing plastic air intake manifold (PAIM), plastic cam cover, and plastic crankcase cover.With three existing production lines with annual capacity of 250,000 pieces of plastic air intake manifold (PAIM), plastic cam cover, and plastic crankcase cover.Forth,fifth and sixth PAIM production line and cover production line are under construction